Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte: 20 years of publishing original soil research

The Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte (ISSN 0942-0754) or Hohenheim Soil Science Book Series will be 20 years old in 2012. Since the release in 1992 of Volume 1 with the title “Stickstoff-Dynamik in Catenen einer erosionsgepraegten Loesslandschaft by G. Lorenz” (Nitrogen dynamics in catenas of an erosion-affected loess landscape), it has already published a hundred volumes of original and relevant soil research. Volume 100 which came out last year (2011), was authored by Shabnam Rathore and carried the title “Assessment of biomass production potential on salt affected land: a soil and terrain database case study (SASOTER) in Badin District, South of Pakistan.” Published by the renowned Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, this book series publishes dissertations and habilitations carried out at the Institute. During its early years, it was edited by Prof. U. Babel (Soil Biology), Prof. W.R. Fischer (Soil Chemistry), Prof. K....