The arsenic contamination in rice

Arsenic (As) is a heavy metal that is well-known as a poison and a carcinogen. Its average concentration in the soil ranges from 5 to 6 mg/kg which is generally related to rock type and industrial activity. Arsenic contamination of paddy soils is widespread and elevated arsenic levels in rice grains is now a hot issue in many parts of the world. Martha Rose Shulman wrote in the New York Times (15 April 2013) that “it is clear that the levels of inorganic arsenic in rice and rice products are high, and that we and especially children, babies and pregnant women should limit our intake of rice and rice products.” According to Bogdan and Schenk (2012) in their recent study published in the highly respected Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH), flooded rice may contain high arsenic concentration compared to other grain crops. In fact, aside from arsenic-contaminated drinking water, rice is the largest food dietary source of inorganic arsenic. This is because t...