Cape Bojeador, Paoay Sand Dunes, Kapurpurawan White Rocks, Bangui Windmills, Pagudpud Resorts, and Cagayan River: Just a few of North Luzon’s wonders worth visiting

A tour around the northern tip of Luzon is really an amazing experience. For those interested in our natural environment, it is a must. This short report describes briefly some of the wonderful places that one can visit starting from Vigan City in the west (1) to Cagayan Valley in the east (10). Vigan City Vigan is an old city in Ilocos Sur with well-preserved Spanish colonial and Asian architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site reminds me of some small towns in southern Spain. It is without question the most beautiful old city in the Philippines. The Paoay Sand Dunes The sand dunes area appears to be a raised sea bed. First evidence of this is the fact that it is directly adjacent to the sea. Second reason is the presence of shells of marine organisms in many parts of the area. Third, a road cut exposure east of the sand dunes reveals thick sandstones (formed under the sea) which could be the source, through weathering, of the sand particles. The subduction of the Sunda Plate under...