Heavy metals in vegetables sold in some cities in the Visayas, Philippines

Every time we buy vegetables in the market, we do not doubt the quality of these farm products. We think they are clean, safe, nutritious and good for our health. But the worsening environmental pollution due to the overuse and misuse of agricultural chemicals such as pesticides, the improper waste disposal, the manufacturing industry, and the transportation system may be affecting the quality of the food crops we eat everyday. Specifically, heavy metals most of which are toxic to humans at elevated concentrations, are starting to contaminate the vegetables we love to eat. The scientific principle is simple: a contaminated soil will generally produce contaminated crops. An interesting and very relevant student research conducted a few years ago revealed such alarming reality. Conducted to determine and compare the Pb, Cu and Zn contents of Alugbati ( Basella rubra ), Ampalaya ( Momordica charantia ), Kalabasa ( Cucurbita maxima ), Kangkong ( Ipomoea aquatica ), Pechay ( Brassica ra...