Cebu Highlands: some notes on the agricultural practices and beautiful landscape
By Dr. Luz Geneston Asio Department of Agronomy, Visayas State University The highlands in the middle of Cebu which extends from the city in the east to Balamban/Asturias in the west, presents a beautiful mixture of protected landscapes with good secondary forest cover, and crop production systems consisting of orchard particularly mango, annual crops, vegetables and cut flowers. Beautiful views of the Cebu Highlands The very beautiful scenery reminds visitors of Baguio City or some foreign places like Indonesia or Taiwan. Clearly observable even on distant undulating slopes are the mango trees which are adapted to the agroclimatic conditions of Cebu. Mango trees are abundant in certain parts of the landscape Cebuanos are widely known to be corn eaters. This explains why corn is the most widely grown grain crop in the highlands. On red acidic soils from igneous rocks as well as on dark calcareous soils from limestone, nutrient deficiency symptoms (N, P) are clearly observabl...