Soil distribution in the Philippines

Soils in lowland areas
Lowland areas include all flatlands located near sea level. Most of these areas are underlain by recent alluvial sediments. Because of this and due to periodic deposition of sediments during flooding events, the soils in lowland areas are poorly developed.
Arenosols (Entisols). These are weakly developed sandy soils common in alluvial plains andcoastal areas.
Gleysols (Entisols, Inceptisols). These are the poorly developed wet soils in alluvial plains and marshes. They are used chiefly for lowland rice production. Together with Histosols, Gleysols are the dominant soils of wetlands.
Cambisols (Inceptisols). These are weakly developed soils showing poor horizon B development. They occur in association with Gleysols although they can also be found in mountainous areas.
Fluvisols (Entisols). These are the undeveloped soils commonly found along rivers. Periodic deposition of river sediments retard soil development.
Vertisols (Vertisols). These are the clayey soils in lowland areas that produce large cracks on the surface during the dry season. They are very fertile and are widely used for lowland rice production. A typical example can be found in Mangaldan, Pangasinan.
Histosols. These are found in swamps, marshes, shallow lakes, and depressions. The saturated condition favors the accumulation of organic materials. Large areas are found in Leyte,
Soils in young and unstable uplands
Uplands are undulating as well as hilly lands ranging in elevation from near sea level to about 1000 meters. Many upland areas around the country are the result of recent volcanic activity or geologic uplift. These are young landscapes underlain by young volcanic deposits or reef limestone and thus have also poorly developed soils.
Andosols (Andisols). These are the poorly developed soils on young volcanic landscapes in the mountains of Negros, Leyte, Bicol,
Chernozems (Mollisols). These are very fertile soils due to their organic matter-rich topsoil. They can be found in limestone areas in Leyte,
Old uplands were formed by volcanism or geologic uplift millions of years ago. They typically occur on the lower slopes of volcanic mountains. Soils in these areas are well-developed or highly weathered.
Ferralsols (Oxisols). These are the very deep, red, acidic and very infertile soils found in old landscapes in Palawan, Mindanao, and
Acrisols and Alisols (Ultisols). These are the reddish, clayey, acidic soils widespread in hilly and mountainous areas throughout the archipelago.
Luvisols (Alfisols). These are the well-developed soils with high base saturation (fertile) found in old alluvial terraces in various areas in the
(Photo above shows the typical soil-landscape relationship in the volcanic island of Leyte)
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Barrera A, F Aristorenas, JA Tingzon. 1954. Soil survey of Leyte province, Philippines. Soil Survey Report No. 18, Bureau of Print, Manila.
Bureau of Soil and Water Management (undated). Soil map of the Philippines (1:7,500,000).
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