Latest Bulletin of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) features VSU soil science

The latest issue of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) bulletin is now available. The bulletin, the official publication of IUSS (formerly International Society of Soil Science or ISSS) with approximately 60,000 members worldwide, has a long and distinguished history. The first volume was produced by  F.A.van Baren and published in 1952. The society president at the time was the renowned soil scientist, Prof. R. Tavernier from Gent, Belgium.

IUSS Bulletin 122 (June 2013)
In the Introduction of the maiden issue, Prof. Tavernier wrote that “the bulletin of the International Society of Soil Science aims to pass on official information about all important events concerning the life and activity of the Society to its members and to National Societies and Regional Groupings as well as to Research Institutes. We hope that this bulletin will satisfy our members’ wishes, who have expressly shown their desire to be informed about these activities and about the development of Soil Science in the diverse countries of the world. We also hope that it will serve to reinforce the already excellent relations between our members, and to stimulate international scientific cooperation.”

The latest bulletin (vol 122, June 2013) features Soil Science at Visayas State University, widely considered as the strongest soil science department in the Philippines today.

The above photo shows the soil scientists from VSU during a pedological field work in the volcanic central highlands of Leyte, Philippines (740m asl) in early 2012.


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